

Below, you will find the answers to a variety of common technology questions. 

  1. Do Mount Union students need to bring a computer to campus?

    Students entering in the fall of 2018 or after are required to bring a device as a result of our 自带设备 initaitive. 适用于2018年秋季之前入学的学生, 强烈推荐, but not required for to students provide their own laptop computer. This provides the student the maximum flexibility to complete and print assignments at their convenience.

  2. 电脑是MAC还是PC有关系吗?

    不,没关系. Mount Union支持这两种类型的计算机. The type of computer should be whatever the student feels most comfortable using. 威尼斯人app下载使用这两个计算机平台.

  3. Is it better to bring a laptop or a desktop to Mount Union?

    For the majority of students, laptops are the preferred device and will allow greater mobility. 大部分校园都有无线网络覆盖.

  4. What are the minimum recommended standards for a computer brought to Mount Union?

    It is not necessary to have a top-of-the line computer. 然而, for the best performance and efficiency from your computer, the Office of Information 技术 has provided guidelines that you can access on the 自带设备 页面.
    Should any questions arise when considering what to purchase, 请致电(330)829-8726与IT服务台联系.

  5. Who can students contact if they have questions about their computer or any other technology questions they may have?

    问题应直接向IT帮助台提出, located in the Learning Commons of the Kolebrander-Harter Information Center. The 它帮助台 is available to answer questions about computers or other technology questions that students may have. You can reach the IT HelpDesk from a campus phone at ext. 4257(帮助). 用校外电话打(330) 829-8726. 你也可以发邮件 helpdesk@dght.net.

  6. Does Mount Union provide each student a campus e-mail address?

    是的,学生将收到xxxx@dght.net地址. 这些都是由Microsoft Office 365托管的. All students can access their account from the Mount Union home 页面 via the hidden navigation menu in the top right-hand corner. 移动电话也可以访问.

  7. Are Mount Union students able to register for classes and view grades online?

    是的. 每个学生都有一个帐户 自助服务. This allows students to search and register for available classes, 查看学期末成绩, 制定一个学术计划.

  8. Are computers and projectors made available in the classrooms?

    Many classrooms on campus are multimedia classrooms equipped with a large screen display, 笔记本电脑连接, 和扬声器. Many of these rooms also include a dedicated computer and document cameras.

  9. What technology does Mount Union provide in the residence halls?

    One cable port is available so that students may connect a television to the campus cable. Bringing a lengthy coax cable affords the student flexibility regarding the location of their television.

    两个ethernet (network) ports are available for connecting computers and game consoles to the campus network.

    学生也可以进入Mount Union wireless network in their residence hall rooms (Xboxes, 游戏机, and Nintendos are unable to connect to the wireless network at this time and will need to plugged into an Ethernet port due to incompatibility with the type of security we use).
    一条电话线, which is shared between roommates and will be made live upon request, 也提供了. 不提供语音信箱.

  10. Does Mount Union provide students access to campus computer labs?

    We maintain many computer labs with printers for when specialty software or printing is required. 校园打印机, our *Environmental Print Policy gives students free printing up to 500 black and white 页面s per year. 

    *requires access to the faculty, staff, and student portal

  11. Does Mount Union provide access to campus computer labs 24 hours a day?

    是的. There is a 24 hour study area in the Kolenbrander-Harter Information Center that is only accessible by using a Purple Plu$ ID card. Once in the 24-hour study area, there is a PC lab available for students in this space.

  12. 在校园计算机实验室打印要收费吗?

    Our *Environmental Print Policy gives students a print credit of $50 per year, after this allowance additional credit may be added in $5 increments at the 商务事务办公室黑白照片是0美元.05 /页. Color prints are available in the Kolenbrander-Harter Information Center at $0.30 /页.

    *requires access to the faculty, staff, and student portal