


在联合山, I was a member of the Legal 援助 Society, Association of 国际学生, 宿舍生活人员, Model United Nations and Mock Trial. It helped define my interests and shape my career path. I knew I wanted to study law, but I did not know which type of law. Through the variety of courses offered, I realized I was most interested in international studies topics. This inspired me to concentrate in international and human rights law during law school, and eventually join the Foreign Service.


B.A. Political Science and French



I work as a diplomat in two-year rotations at United States Embassies and Consulates abroad. As a consular officer, I adjudicate U.S. visa applications, assist U.S. 公民出境旅游, issue passports and work on various other issues such as international adoptions. My first tour will be in Istanbul, Turkey.

Reasons I Chose Mount Union

它的位置离家很近, 良好的经济援助, close community with small student-teacher ratio and legal studies program are all what make Mount Union great. 也, the professors are very invested in the education and advancement of the students; they will go above and beyond to help you succeed and meet your goals.


Dr. Michael Grossman taught some of the most fascinating classes that really shaped my eventual career path, 包括U型.N. and a course on modern terrorism. His enthusiasm about the topics was contagious, and made the classes very interesting. 他也是我的SCE顾问, and spent many hours working with me one-on-one, counseling me with regard to topic direction and research strategies.


I earned a Juris Doctor degree from Pace University in White Plains, 纽约; after law school, I was able to work as an attorney at an immigration law firm in Brooklyn, 纽约.


在联合山, I was a member of the Legal 援助 Society, Association of 国际学生, 宿舍生活人员, Model United Nations and Mock Trial. It helped define my interests and shape my career path. I knew I wanted to study law, but I did not know which type of law. Through the variety of courses offered, I realized I was most interested in international studies topics. This inspired me to concentrate in international and human rights law during law school, and eventually join the Foreign Service.


I mainly keep in contact with my Mount Union friends through 电子邮件 and social media. I have traveled around the world to many of their weddings! Even if I don’t see them for a few years, the friendships I made at Mount Union are lasting. 我甚至娶了其中一个!


The opportunity to travel around the world and change job positions every two years, while continuing to advance with the same employer, 我最喜欢什么. The State Department invests heavily in our training as well – it is the only job I can think of that will pay you a full salary to learn – including languages! My ultimate career goal would be to one day become an ambassador.


Mount Union provided such a variety of courses that I had plenty of opportunity to find what most interested me, and what I could be passionate about. It provided the base for my further education, as well as my eventual career.